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Эксперты VEGAS LEX и STEWARTS (UK) провели практический вебинар "Russian Sanctions: a rapidly evolving area""

On February 17, 2022, a team of experts from VEGAS LEX and STEWARTS (UK) held a webinar on "Russian Sanctions: a rapidly evolving area", during which experts discussed the legal, commercial and practical challenges of complying with Russian sanctions.


Igor Chumachenko have hit the top three for the best lawyers in real estate

Igor Chumachenko was ranked in the top three of CRE 100 list in Legal Practice -2021. CRE 100 is the ranking of the most influential people in the commercial real estate market, the annual industry progress review carried out by the editors of the Commercial Real Estate magazine.


VEGAS LEX team expands its presence in the Best Lawyers ranking

On 10 June, the Best Lawyers 2022 results were published. The methodology for the Best Lawyers legal ranking was developed more than 30 years ago. The ranking is based on the voting of lawyers in favour of their colleagues in various legal practices. 


Dmitriy Motorin for Revista Direito GV: A new legal concept for understanding the essence of production and consumption waste: a view from Russia

<p> </p> <p> Recently, production and consumption waste has been recognized as a distinct legal category in the environmental law of the Russian Federation. This regulatory category has been changed several times within a short period. The study evidences that these changes were ontological, resulting from a change in approach to the distinction of waste from other results of economic activity. In practice, these changes introduced new characteristics into the concept of waste, each of which is related to one of the approaches to understanding the essence of waste identified by the authors of the article. The article reveals handicaps of earlier and contemporary approaches to understanding the legal essence of waste in Russia. </p> <p> Based on the results of the study, a new subjective approach is proposed. This approach can serve as a starting point for shaping a new conceptual understanding of waste able to improve environmental law and promote quality enforcement.<br> </p> <p> </p>


Litigation in Russia - Myth or Reality?

<p> In the first half of 2021, we at VEGAS LEX completed a survey among 100+ foreign lawyers to reveal myths concerning dispute resolution in Russia. In most questions, the respondents were asked to choose “True” or “False” on the proposed statements. </p> <p> The average score reflecting knowledge of Russian litigation specifics achieved by foreign practitioners is 44 out of 100, with a peak of 73 scores. </p> <p> Find the detailed survey results and up-to-date factual and statistical data below. </p> <br>


Anastasia Cheredova for CEE Legal Matters magazine: Pleading and Proof of Foreign Law in Commercial State Courts

Generally, the responsibility for interpreting foreign laws lies with the state commercial court. Parties have a right, but are not obliged to, render assistance and provide the court with information concerning statutory provisions of foreign laws. However, if the content of the foreign law is not ascertained with reasonable expediency, Russian law applies. Anastasia Cheredova, Head of the Special Projects Group, clarified the European magazine 'CEE Legal Matters' on the Russian approach to the nature of foreign law, methods of proof, as well as pitfalls that parties may face.




Infographic "Anti-crisis measures. Limits set on foreign exchange transactions"

<p> Experts from VEGAS LEX have visualised foreign exchange restrictions that are regularly introduced since the end of February of this year as special economic measures. Bird’s-eye view at the entire system of restrictions will reduce the business’s regulatory risks. It is especially useful when the requirements for foreign exchange transactions are changing almost daily. </p>


Russian Antitrust Laws — Sanctions Impact

Foreign policy developments and recent international sanctions have had a significant impact on all sectors of the economy. Such drastic changes have entailed active rulemaking aimed at adjusting the regulatory framework to new economic realities. The law-making initiatives concern, inter alia, issues related to the competence of the Federal Antimonopoly Service.<br>


SPIC 1.0. Investors are given back the proven mechanism and the right to extend contracts due to the sanctions

<p> On 14 March 2022, a law came into force reviving the SPIC 1.0 mechanism for new investment projects, and allowing extending the terms of contracts already concluded due to foreign sanctions. The amendments were developed by the Government as part of a package of anti-crisis measures. </p> <p> As part of the development of this law, the Government has also clarified the rules for concluding SPIC 1.0. The updated rules came into effect on 1 April 2022. </p>


Determining the approximate size of an economic entity’s market share

The VEGAS LEX group of companies has prepared analytical infographics devoted to determining the approximate size of a business entity's market share in order to effectively manage anti-monopoly risks.


Provisions of the new Administrative Procedures Code of the Russian Federation

As part of judicial reform in the Russian Federation, on 08 March 2015, the Administrative Procedures Code was adopted. The provisions of the adopted Code will apply in the consideration of cases arising from administrative and other state relations, starting already on 15 September 2015. Moreover, the sphere regulated by this Code will include cases on which proceedings were commenced before the said date.

Alexander Sitnikov, Managing partner

Exclusion from the register of unfair suppliers: analysis of judicial practice

In the current economic situation, many companies are interested in participating in state procurement contests and in procurement tenders of individual legal entities, thus ensuring a certain level of economic stability for themselves. However, the opportunities for participation in such tenders are significantly reduced if company’s name ends up being listed in one of the registers of unscrupulous suppliers, since in their tender documentation, most customers include a requirement that participants in the tender should not be listed in the Register.

Alexander Sitnikov, Managing partner


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