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Legal "uncontrolled settlement": the Praesidium of the Supreme Arbitrazh court explained procedure for registration of the ownership rights to the buildings constructed before 1995

Igor Chumachenko, Partner, Head of Real Estate, Land & Construction practice

<br> <img src="" style="z-index: 50; line-height: 19.6px;"> <p> It's not a rare case nowadays when the company among other property owns real property constructed using own resources before 1995. Very often such buildings are used without any title documents as the relevant ownership rights were not registered in the Unified State Register of the Rights to Real Estate and Transactions therewith. In fact this entails the impossibility to sell and purchase such buildings and additional difficulties with the registration and re-registration of the rights to the land-plots. </p>

VEGAS LEX_Законный самострой_Президиум ВАС РФ разъяснил порядок регистрации права собственности на постройки, возведенные до 1995 г

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VEGAS LEX_Legal uncontrolled settlement

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