About the Firm Experts VEGAS LEX Igor Chumachenko
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Igor Chumachenko
Partner, Head of Real Estate, Land & Construction practice
+7(495) 933-08-00
Advocate of the Moscow Chamber of Advocates
Recommended by:
- CRE-100 2010–2012, 2019-2022 - top 3 lawyer in the commercial real estate market
- The Legal 500 EMEA 2011 – 2021
- Best Lawyers 2010-2022
- Chambers Europe 2015 – 2017
- Pravo-300 - 2020 – 2023
- Kommersant 2019, 2022-2023
- ProEstate & Tobby Awards 2022-2023
- Russian newspaper 2023
- Legal support of major investment and construction projects, due diligence of land plots and development rights, as well as assets and transactions associated with state and private property disposal
- Development of contract systems (including development agreements), agreements with investors and developers, contractor agreements for construction (upgrading) of various facilities at the expense of different financing sources, support in project implementation and legal consultancy in residential construction fundraising issues
- Legal advice on challenging land issues, including land exemption, privatization (also in Moscow) and lease
- Legal assistance with arbitration disputes and lawsuits in construction
- Legal assistance with complex real estate transactions and rights registration
- Restructuring of developers’ obligations
- Certificate of Redcliffe Training Associates Ltd, Project Finance/PPP program
- Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, Law Faculty, specialized in jurisprudence (with honors)
Professional experience
Practical legal work experience – since 2001- Present – VEGAS LEX law firm, partner, Head of Real Estate, Land & Construction practice
- Significant work experience in investment-construction holding in Moscow, positions of Lawyer and Legal Service Manager
- Participated in major projects, including as a leader of project group and project manager, represented the Сlients in arbitration courts and before governmental agencies
- English
Analytics 26
Сonferences Own event VEGAS LEX | |
9 November 2023 |
Conference "Key Trends in Contracting: Refraction of Practice in a New Environment conference"Отель Mercure Москва Павелецкая, зал «Бахрушин»
+ in calendar
VEGAS LEX law firm together with the Russian Guild of Managers and Developers invite you to participate in the conference "Key Trends in Contracting: Refraction of Practice in a New Environment conference", 9 November 2023 at 10:30 in Mercure Moscow Paveletskaya Hotel, Bakhrushin Hall. |
Round-table discussion Own event VEGAS LEX | |
17 April 2020 |
Антикризисные решения бизнеса после COVID 19: практические рекомендации
+ in calendar
VEGAS LEX и Медиахолдинг РБК приглашают вас принять участие в онлайн мероприятии Антикризисные решения бизнеса после COVID-19: практические рекомендации.
Время для дискуссий уже прошло. С учетом тенденции к конфликтам на всех уровнях бизнес готовится к режиму выживания. Вместе с тем, бизнесу пора реализовывать решения для функционирования не только в текущем, но и в посткризисном периоде. Но многие еще таких решений не приняли. Какие шаги предпринять здесь и сейчас для минимизации финансовых потерь? Насколько важна скорость и качество принимаемых решений? Какие уроки следует извлечь из предыдущих кризисов? Эксперты предоставят сугубо практические рекомендации, укажут тренды и возможности. |
Workshops Own event VEGAS LEX | |
24 January 2019 |
Seminar “Developer vs General Contractor 5.0. Disputes in a contracting relationship: what should I look for when preparing a general contract"Москва, Моховая ул., 15/1, гостиница «Националь», зал «Петровский»
+ in calendar
The Russian guild of managers and developers with the support of VEGAS LEX and development company Spectrum Group are invited to a seminar on the selection of a general contractor in the construction and structuring of contractual relations with him in order to minimize risks and losses in the implementation of development projects. |
Workshops Own event VEGAS LEX | |
22 May 2018 |
Seminar "Technical supervisor / fee-developer in development projects: recommended practices"г. Санкт-Петербург, пер. Гривцова, д. 5, литер В, Российский аукционный дом, Большой аукционный зал, 3 этаж
+ in calendar
The VEGAS LEX law firm with the support of the Russian Managers and Developers Guild invites you to attend the seminar devoted to the matters of structuring of relations between developer and technical supervisor and recommended practices when selecting a technical supervisor and cooperating with it. |
Workshops Own event VEGAS LEX | |
20 February 2018 |
Seminar "Leasing relationships: terminating a contract vs. changing its conditions"Космодамианская наб., 52, стр. 6, Swissotel Красные Холмы, 1 этаж, зал "Цюрих"
+ in calendar
The law firm VEGAS LEX, with participation on the part of the real estate development company GVA Sawyer and support from the Russian Guild of Managers and Developers, invites you to a seminar "Leasing relationships: terminating a contract vs. changing its conditions." |