About the Firm Experts VEGAS LEX Ilya Shengeliya
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Ilya Shengeliya
Compliance Counsel
+7 (495) 933 08 00
Advocate of the Krasnodar Territory Chamber of Advocates
Recommended by:
- Pravo-300 2021-2023
- Kommersant 2024
Regulatory Risk Management (compliance) and Governance
Investments and State Support Measures
Anti-Money Laundering
Forensic Services
Currency Control
- Advanced training in the Educational and Methodological Center of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (Kazan) under the program "Organization of atitrust compliance system. Management of antimonopoly risks in the activities of business entities".
- Advanced professional training at the law department of the Academy of the Russian Federation General Prosecutor’s Office (Saint Petersburg) on “Public prosecutor’s supervision of the anti-corruption enforcement”
- Kuban State Agriculture University (Krasnodar), law department, specialized in civil law
Professional experience
Practical legal work experience – since 2008- Present – VEGAS LEX law firm, Southern directorate, project manager
- The Office of the Public Prosecutor in Krasnodar Kray, paralegal, senior assistant to the Prosecutor of the Central Administrative District of Krasnodar
- English
Supervised services
Workshops Own event VEGAS LEX | |
24 March 2022 |
Практический семинар "Особенности воздействия санкционных режимов на хозяйственную деятельность компаний и физических лиц"Креативный кластер "Икра", г. Волгоград, 62-й Армии наб. 6
+ in calendar
VEGAS LEX приглашает вас на очный практический семинар по вопросам санкционного регулирования, проводимый экспертами Поволжской дирекции в городе Волгоград 24 марта 2022 года.
Webinars Own event VEGAS LEX | |
28 October 2020 |
Вебинар "Антимонопольный комплаенс: от теории к практике"ZOOM Conference
+ in calendar
VEGAS LEX приглашает вас на вебинар, в рамках которого эксперты из бизнеса и консалтинга осветят ряд актуальных вопросов об антимонопольном комплаенсе, расскажут об эффективности комплаенса на реальном примере, укажут текущие тренды и возможности. NB! В ходе мероприятия у каждого участника будет возможность принять участие в стресс-тесте "Нужен ли вам комплаенс?".
Workshops Own event VEGAS LEX | |
27 October 2017 |
Practical seminar “Actions by companies to recover damages: verification, refutation, abatement"г. Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Ульяновская, 54, гостиница "Эрмитаж", конференц-зал "Красный"
+ in calendar
The VEGAS LEX law firm invites you to a practical seminar devoted to the key trends in disputes involving recovering damages from commercial organizations, and recommendations to achieve the optimal result (for the plaintiff or defendant). |
Workshops Own event VEGAS LEX | |
26 October 2017 |
Practical seminar “Actions by companies to recover damages: verification, refutation, abatement"г. Краснодар, ул. Буденного, д. 117/2 Бизнес-центр КНГК Групп, эт. 2, конференц-зал
+ in calendar
The VEGAS LEX law firm invites you to a practical seminar devoted to the key trends in disputes involving recovering damages from commercial organizations, and recommendations to achieve the optimal result (for the plaintiff or defendant). |