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SPIC 2.0: Making the First Move

Alexander Sitnikov, Managing partner

Maxim Grigoryev, Partner, Head of Southern directorate, Head of special projects

Alexandra Vasyukhnova, Partner, Head of Technology and Investment group

Natalia Abtseshko, Head of International projects group

Artem Gasparyan, Senior associate, special projects

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia declared that from May 25 to June 5, 2020 investors may apply for including their technologies into the list of high technologies. This list is the most important element required for the new special investment contract (SPIC) model to function.

It is worth reminding that the SPIC mechanism was substantially amended last year. Thus, the key objective of investors under SPIC 2.0 is to set up manufacturing of industrial products based on high technologies. In return, the government promises to provide the investor with stable conditions for its operations, as well as incentives under the contract and special statutory regulation. We provided insight into the reform details in our previous overview on the subject. 

The list of high technologies is to be drawn up in accordance with the rules approved by the Government of Russia1. In this overview, we will summarize the key aspects of how this list is compiled.

Read the full version of the analitycal review.

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