On March 1, 2020, the President of the Russian Federation signed the law*, which amends Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-ФЗ "On Protection of Competition" and defines the concept of antitrust compliance and the basic requirements for it at the level of federal law.
The changes will take effect March 12, 2020. Starting from the indicated date, the following information on antitrust compliance will be determined in the Law on Protection of Competition:
- the concept of antitrust compliance: the law will define “an internal system for ensuring compliance with the requirements of antitrust law”, which means a set of legal and organizational measures aimed at complying with the company the requirements of antitrust law and preventing its violations (Antitrust compliance system);
principle of voluntariness: the implementation of the Antitrust Compliance System is a right, not an obligation, of a company;
requirements for internal documents of the company: a list of mandatory requirements that must be contained in the internal documents of the company on the Antitrust Compliance System is indicated;
posting information on the Antimonopoly Compliance System on the website: information on the internal documents on the antitrust compliance system adopted and used by the company in the company should be published in Russian;
the possibility of coordinating the Antimonopoly Compliance System with the FAS Russia: the company has the right to agree with the antimonopoly authority documents or draft documents on the antitrust compliance measures used.
* Federal Law No. 33-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Protection of Competition "
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