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Russian Antitrust Laws — Sanctions Impact

Alexander Sitnikov, Managing partner

Ilya Bochinin, Senior Associate of Energy projects group

Foreign policy developments and recent international sanctions have had a significant impact on all sectors of the economy. Such drastic changes have entailed active rulemaking aimed at adjusting the regulatory framework to new economic realities. The law-making initiatives concern, inter alia, issues related to the competence of the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

This current article presents an up-to-date overview of already implemented, as well as planned initiatives in the field of antimonopoly and related regulation in 2022 under sanctions. Companies will be able to pre-assess the impact of changes on their activities and, if necessary, adjust their business processes in a timely manner.

Read more in our latest policy brief: Russian Antitrust Laws — Sanctions Impact.

A list of the firm's services can be found here.

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