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Maria Borzova gives expert opinion on pharmaceutical market situation on PharmVestnik-TV

On June 14, Manager of VEGAS LEX Life sciences projects Maria Borzova gave an expert assessment to a number of pharmaceutical market issues in the main news program of the second week of June on the PharmVestnik-TV channel.

  • Russia’s Antimonopoly Service for the first time overruled the state registration of a sale price of a drug

  • The Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs proposed to extend the list of health products subject to the odd man out rule

  • Patients of Russian hospitals do not know that insurance companies are there to protect their rights

  • The Civic Chamber has submitted recommendations to the Government on providing patients with rare diseases with the required medicines

  • The third criminal case has been initiated for illegal pharmaceutical business in the Southern Federal District.

Air time: June 14, 2016.

To view the recording, go to


* Source: PharmVestnik-TV channel.

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