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Soaring indignation. Roszdravnadzor carries out large-scale testing of drugs

The Territorial Departments of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Health sent to distributors and drugstore chains demands to provide samples of medicinal products, as well as documents confirming their quality. Some Territorial Departments attached a list containing 330 drug names. By all indications, it seems that this list was intended only for internal use by the Territorial Departments, and after getting to the outside world, has created quite a commotion. For example, some market participants suggested that the agency wanted to get all 330 named medicines from them. They were especially impressed with the demand to provide 876 packets of Levitra.

Pharmaceutical Bulletin

Do legal services have an uber-future

Russia, by leaps and bounds, is being uberized (uberize - to modify a market or economic model by the introduction of a cheap and efficient alternative) – a new Western trend for which a great future is being forecasted. The Russian market is only starting to adopt to the emergence of P2P networking projects, but many Internet users already actively using uber-services – services of couriers, movers, transportation, builders, repairers of household appliances, designers, photographers, and programmers. One after another, we see appearing robotic and automated resources to create legal documents, to carry out legal expertise. It makes you wonder – is there an uber-future in legal services? What are the prospects for their uberization and robotization? We asked legal business experts in Russia to answer this question.

Alexandra Vasyukhnova, Partner, Head of Technology and Investment group

The draft law on state procurement for the provision of social services will affect the pharmaceutical market

Russia’s Finance Ministry has developed a draft law “On State (Municipal) Orders for the Provision of Public (Municipal) Social Services and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”. These services the citizens will be able to receive in the areas of education, social protection, employment, health, etc.

Pharmaceutical Bulletin

The Ministry of Economic Development is proposing to extend Law 44-FZ to purchases by funds and autonomous institutions

The Ministry of Economic Development is proposing to extend Law 44-FZ, On the Contract System, to purchases by funds and autonomous institutions that are paid for out of public funds. The draft law can be viewed at

Information portal "Torg umesten"

Instar Logistics tests out warehouse complex

UFAS suspected Ufaneftekhim of restricting competition.

Kommersant (Ufa)

Failure of tender for construction of a thermal power plant for Crimea connected to sanctions

Competition for the construction of a thermal power plant in Taman was cancelled due to absence of applications. One of the biggest arguments against participation in the tender for the construction of power plants in the Krasnodar Krai became political risks due to its proximity to the territory of Crimea, for investments into which the EU and the USA place under sanctions, Reuters reported, citing sources in energy companies. 

Evgeniy Rodin, Partner, Head of "Industry and Resources"

Senators approved the scandalous amendments to the law “On Trade”

According to Vedomosti, in favour of the adoption of amendments to the law voted 132 senators, although some had opposed certain provisions of the law.

Cross-sectoral discussion “Strategies for establishing high-tech industries of the future” will be held on 1 July 2016 as part of the CREF

On 1 July 2016, a cross-sectoral discussion on “Strategies for establishing high-tech industries of the future” will be held within the framework of the Fifth Central Russian Economic Forum. 

Maxim Grigoryev, Partner, Head of Southern directorate, Head of special projects

The debtor fails to comply with the court's decision. How to recover from him the maximum judicial penalty?

When it is not necessary to establish a judicial penalty in a fixed amount? Does the charging of a penalty cease after the issuance of a judicial order for its recovery? How to seek a judicial penalty for the period prior to applying for its recovery?

Arbitration practice

Penalty kick

The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has finally fined Google on the basis of an investigation that lasted almost a year and a half and was initiated by Yandex. For creating obstacles by installing applications and services of other companies on Android-devices, Google will have to pay 438 million roubles. This is about 2.5% of the revenues Google LLC for 2014.


The lawyers called the draft law on state procurement proposed by the Ministry of Finance a framework project

The draft law on state procurement for the provision of public services in the social sector, including health care, is of framework character. The document contains a number of reference rules to the regulations and procedures that should be adopted later.

Medicinskiy vestnik (Medical bulletin)

Expert: The investment appeal of special investment contracts is debatable

On 1 September, Federal Law 365-FZ, which brings changes to the procurement contract system, takes effect. The law introduces amendments concerning preferences for investors under special investment contracts (SPICs), and adds new articles to the Federal Contract System. Serious analysis is needed to determine how attractive SPICs are for pharma companies.

Pharmaceutical Bulletin

Question of hubs

City Hall has been looking for ways to eliminate the famous Moscow traffic jams on the city’s roads. One possible solution was announced back in 2011, a plan to build transport interchange hubs (TIH) in the capital city. However, its implementation would require huge investments, which the city government simply does not have, and which private investors will not touch, seeing great risks, according to some players, in these poorly designed projects. Even the prospects of building huge amounts of new real estate within such TIH are not able to attract major developers.

Igor Chumachenko, Partner, Head of Real Estate, Land & Construction practice

Rejuvenating operations

The FAS explained how pharmacies and wholesalers need to operate in the case of cancellation of registered drug prices

Pharmaceutical Bulletin

Two years without the SAC: experts talk about the merger of higher courts and its impact on the uniformity of practice

At the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, President Vladimir Putin said the merger of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Arbitration Court (SAC) was "a positive step towards the uniformity of jurisprudence". The President’s statement was met with mixed reviews in the legal community – some experts are dissatisfied with the quality of Russian justice, while others say that the merger of the two supreme courts has really made ​​the practice more uniform, and the litigation more transparent.

Victor Petrov, Partner, Head of Litigation practice

Reform of obligatory law: first year under the new rules

A little more than a year has passed since the entry into force of the Federal Law dated 08 March  2015 No. 42-FZ, which  made ​​noticeable changes to the general provisions of the RF Civil Code, in the part of obligations, as well as added tools for civil turnover participants – new types of contracts and agreements.  

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