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The draft law on state procurement for the provision of social services will affect the pharmaceutical market

Russia’s Finance Ministry has developed a draft law “On State (Municipal) Orders for the Provision of Public (Municipal) Social Services and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”. These services the citizens will be able to receive in the areas of education, social protection, employment, health, etc.

Pharmaceutical Bulletin

The Ministry of Economic Development is proposing to extend Law 44-FZ to purchases by funds and autonomous institutions

The Ministry of Economic Development is proposing to extend Law 44-FZ, On the Contract System, to purchases by funds and autonomous institutions that are paid for out of public funds. The draft law can be viewed at

Information portal "Torg umesten"

What to do if the tax authorities calculated too much tax payable. How to deal with this situation. Instructions

Russia has not become Estonia yet, where taxes payable show up automatically once a year in user profile at your bank’s website, and so our entrepreneurs will periodically encounter recalculations of their payments that are due to the state budget. This is a rather unpleasant situation – a businessman not only loses money, but also feels that his good name has been tarnished. The “Secret", together with lawyers, has created instructions on how to avoid this situation, and to prove one’s case.

Secret Firmy Magazine

Question of hubs

City Hall has been looking for ways to eliminate the famous Moscow traffic jams on the city’s roads. One possible solution was announced back in 2011, a plan to build transport interchange hubs (TIH) in the capital city. However, its implementation would require huge investments, which the city government simply does not have, and which private investors will not touch, seeing great risks, according to some players, in these poorly designed projects. Even the prospects of building huge amounts of new real estate within such TIH are not able to attract major developers.

Igor Chumachenko, Partner, Head of Real Estate, Land & Construction practice

Cadastres written to the local budget

The Russian Constitutional Court ruled as illegal the relevant provisions of the country's basic law prohibiting local authorities from intervening in disputes between economic subjects and appraisers. The court sided with the municipalities, the budgets of which depend on property tax payments. The experts say that this will exacerbate the situation with cadastral appraisals, and the government will continue to undertake legislative measures to protect its revenues.

Volgograd Pravda.Ru

Rejuvenating operations

The FAS explained how pharmacies and wholesalers need to operate in the case of cancellation of registered drug prices

Pharmaceutical Bulletin

Two years without the SAC: experts talk about the merger of higher courts and its impact on the uniformity of practice

At the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, President Vladimir Putin said the merger of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Arbitration Court (SAC) was "a positive step towards the uniformity of jurisprudence". The President’s statement was met with mixed reviews in the legal community – some experts are dissatisfied with the quality of Russian justice, while others say that the merger of the two supreme courts has really made ​​the practice more uniform, and the litigation more transparent.

They are still competing for the printing house

The auction for the sale of the buildings of the Samara Printing House and the land beneath them, the winner of which was Azimut LLC, owned by Alexey Shapovalov is being challenged by the Moscow company Kapstroy LLC. The latter company also wanted to take part in this auction, but was not allowed to participate in it. We should recall that the objects were sold at auction as part of the bankruptcy proceedings of the Samara House Publishing House OJSC for 35.1 million roubles. Also at the request of Kapstroy, provisional measures were imposed, prohibiting the conclusion of the contract of sale between the Samara Printing House and Azimuth.

Kommersant (Samara)

The lawyers called the draft law on state procurement proposed by the Ministry of Finance a framework project

The draft law on state procurement for the provision of public services in the social sector, including health care, is of framework character. The document contains a number of reference rules to the regulations and procedures that should be adopted later.

Medicinskiy vestnik (Medical bulletin)

Expert: The investment appeal of special investment contracts is debatable

On 1 September, Federal Law 365-FZ, which brings changes to the procurement contract system, takes effect. The law introduces amendments concerning preferences for investors under special investment contracts (SPICs), and adds new articles to the Federal Contract System. Serious analysis is needed to determine how attractive SPICs are for pharma companies.

Pharmaceutical Bulletin

Instar Logistics tests out warehouse complex

UFAS suspected Ufaneftekhim of restricting competition.

Kommersant (Ufa)

Gas from wheels

Gazserviskompozit requests introduction of a new tariff on fuel for the population.

Kommersant (N.Novgorod)

Failure of tender for construction of a thermal power plant for Crimea connected to sanctions

Competition for the construction of a thermal power plant in Taman was cancelled due to absence of applications. One of the biggest arguments against participation in the tender for the construction of power plants in the Krasnodar Krai became political risks due to its proximity to the territory of Crimea, for investments into which the EU and the USA place under sanctions, Reuters reported, citing sources in energy companies. 

Evgeniy Rodin, Partner, Head of "Industry and Resources"

Senators approved the scandalous amendments to the law “On Trade”

According to Vedomosti, in favour of the adoption of amendments to the law voted 132 senators, although some had opposed certain provisions of the law.

Cross-sectoral discussion “Strategies for establishing high-tech industries of the future” will be held on 1 July 2016 as part of the CREF

On 1 July 2016, a cross-sectoral discussion on “Strategies for establishing high-tech industries of the future” will be held within the framework of the Fifth Central Russian Economic Forum. 

Maxim Grigoryev, Partner, Head of Southern directorate, Head of special projects

Unpaid public utilities

Tighter government sanctions against defaulters for energy have not yet led to the desired results in the south of Russia. Consumer debt for natural gas and electricity continues to grow, and at an alarming rate especially in the North Caucasus, which remains the most problematic region of the country, in terms of the making payments for public utilities. Market participants believe that to reverse this situation, more active government intervention could be needed – in the formation of the correct tariffs for consumers and improving the legislative framework.

Maxim Grigoryev, Partner, Head of Southern directorate, Head of special projects
Kommersant (Rostov)
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