+ 7 (495) 933-08-00



Practical workshop “Public procurement for medicinal products: key trends and risks in 2017”

10:00 — 12:30

Kosmodamianskaya emb., 52-5

3 people

(maximum number of participants to one account in the Dashboard)

The law firm VEGAS LEX invites you to a practical seminar entitled “Public procurement for medicinal products: key trends and risks in 2017”, developed by VEGAS LEX experts for the manufacturers and distributors of medicinal products.

Participation in the workshop will allow you:

  • To obtain information on the key trends in regulation practices for the Russian Federation Federal Antimonopoly Service and the courts for January – April 2017, as well as on the key changes in the approach of law enforcement to the procurement of medicinal products.

  • To obtain information on the possible formulations that justify the need for medicines, as well as a practical assessment of the risks associated with commonly used formulations, in light of the emerging trends in 2017

  • To receive ready-made solutions to implement in your company’s internal and external training programs, as well as tools to evaluate and fine-tune your company’s strategy in the hospital industry for 2017

For whom is this workshop useful?

  • For employees in companies’ hospital departments who formulate recommendations concerning the sale of goods that participate in bidding

  • For market access, regulatory employees and those in companies’ GR departments who develop strategies to enter new product markets

  • For companies’ lawyers and compliance specialists who work with internal systems that control the promotion of goods for the hospital industry

  • For members of professional associations who deal with summarizing the comprehensive issues concerning pharmaceutical industry enforcement

The seminar program includes:

  • New trends in law enforcement practice for the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service. Patterns in how the concept of interchangeability is applied. Direct citations from article 27.1 in Federal Law No. 61-FZ on the customer’s position and that of the antimonopoly service.

  • Examples of how customers’ needs are justified that are confirmed by law enforcement practice.

  • "Three is a crowd". New trends in law enforcement practice. New errors when registering CT-1 certificates in law enforcement practice.

  • 15 percent preferential treatment.  Further development of 2016 trends.



Event language:  Russian

In order to register, please confirm your participation by email to the address conference@vegaslex.ru or by phone +7 (495) 933 08 00.

Please note that this event is closed to law firm representatives or private legal practitioners.

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