+ 7 (495) 933-08-00



A practical seminar "Working with legislative initiatives: techniques for preparing written opinions and commentaries"

10:00 — 13:00

52 Kosmodamianskaya naberezhnaya, Bldg. 5, 8th floor (VEGAS LEX office)

5 people

(maximum number of participants to one account in the Dashboard)

The VEGAS LEX law firm invites you to a practical seminar called "Working with legislative initiatives: techniques for preparing written opinions and commentaries” that was developed by VEGAS LEX experts for specialists at pharmaceutical companies and in other industries.

For whom is the seminar intended?

  • For specialists working in corporate legal departments and public affairs/communications departments who liaise with government agencies and non-governmental organizations

  • For members of professional associations that are involved in preparing written opinions and commentaries on legislative initiatives

  • For any company employees that want to increase the professional level of their documentation, as well as improve their writing skills

The seminar program consists of:

Information module


Module 1. Fundamentals of formal logic

This module explores the instruments of formal logic, and examines key logical fallacies. The objective of this unit is to show the correct mechanisms to formulate arguments and to understand the instruments that permit logic manipulation, and defects in the logic how documents are structured, to be identified. The module will examine practical examples of opinions, arguments, and rebuttals that were given in the framework of public debate on real legislative initiatives in the pharmaceutical sector.

Module 2. Key rules governing how to draft documents (opinions/commentaries)

This module examines the key rules applicable to drafting written opinions and other documents, as well as typical mistakes made when writing (language that is too complicated, cumbersome statements, the incorrect usage of terminology, etc.). This unit gives recommendations how to draft documents and eliminate relevant standard errors.

Practical exercises (individual coaching)

In the course of 3 work days following the seminar, the participants will send the seminar leader a document that they will compose (2-3 pages in length) to receive feedback. The seminar leader will prepare written comments on the techniques and logic used while drafting the document, and give individual recommendations on how to improve individual writing techniques.

Cost of participating in the seminar: 20,000 rubles + VAT

Registration is mandatory

Seminar language: Russian

In order to register, please confirm your participation by email at conference@vegaslex.ru or by telephone at +7 (495) 933 0800.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that this event is closed to representatives from law firms, as well as to private practice lawyers.

Apply to participate


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