+ 7 (495) 933-08-00



Roundtable “Advertising medicinal products: what are the criteria for conscientious practice?”

15:00 — 17:00

Kosmodamianskaya emb., 52-5

5 people

(maximum number of participants to one account in the Dashboard)

The VEGAS LEX law firm invites you to a roundtable, with the participation of specialists from the Russian Federation Federal Antimonopoly Service, dedicated to reviewing and discussing high-priority law enforcement practices in the area of advertising medicinal products and other goods from pharmaceutical companies.

The program includes:

  • Key violations discovered by the antimonopoly authorities in advertisements for medicinal products from January-March 2017. Correlation with the results in 2016 from supervising advertising and unfair competition in the sector.

  • Approaches taken by the antimonopoly authorities when assessing advertising materials.

  • Approaches taken when assessing the ways of conveying information to the consumer (Подходы к оценке способов доведения информации до потребителя (audiovisual series, references, footnotes, etc.)

  • Analyzing the possibility to refer to scientific publications / research in the advertisement. The limits for reproducing data taken from the instructions for use in advertising materials.

  • Issues concerning applying linguistic expert review and social opinion polls.

  • Forming “best practices” to discuss with the industry.

Invited to take part:

Manufacturers of drugs, medical products, dietary supplements, and representatives from professional associations.


Nikolay Kartashov, director of the Department for Monitoring Advertising and Unscrupulous Competition, Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Irina Vasilenkova, deputy director of the Department for Monitoring Advertising and Unscrupulous Competition, head of the Department for Monitoring Advertising Law, Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Participation in the event is free of charge.

To register, please confirm your participation by email to conference@vegaslex.ru or by telephone at +7 (495) 933 08 00.

Please be aware that this event is closed to representatives from law firms and to private practice lawyers. 

VEGAS LEX_Программа_Круглый стол Реклама лекарственных препаратов_13.04.2017_

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File added 06.04.2017
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