+ 7 (495) 933-08-00



Round table on “Disputes involving credit institutions: independent guarantees and creditor/debtor legal relations”

10:00 — 13:00

52 Kosmodamianskaya nab., building 5, 8th floor (VEGAS LEX Office)

5 people

(maximum number of participants to one account in the Dashboard)

The VEGAS LEX Law Firm would like to invite you to a round table on disputes involving credit institutions, on the issue of regulation of independent guarantees and creditor/debtor legal relations.


1. Regulation of creditor/debtor legal relations, taking into account the balance of rights and legitimate interests of the parties. Status of problems faced by the weak and strong sides in a contract, in court practice:

  • presence of onerous non-financial terms and conditions in the contract;

  • possibility of the bank to unilaterally change the various terms and conditions of the contract;

  • the right of the bank to demand early repayment of the loan, and its implementation.

2. The regulation of independent guarantees and the relevant court practice:

  • the problem with independent guarantees;

  • procedural interdependence of disputes concerning the recovery of guarantees, and disputes stemming from the principal obligation;

  • specific aspects of procedural strategies used in the recovery of bank guarantees.

3. Questions & answers.

Invited to participate:

Executives, senior management, directors of legal affairs, chief legal advisors, and bank representatives.

Participation in this event is FREE

To register, please confirm your participation by e-mail at: conference@vegaslex.ru or by phone:
+7 (495) 933 0800.

Informational partners


EG Urist.jpg

VEGAS LEX_Программа_Споры с участием кредитных организаций_30.11.2016

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File added 21.11.2016
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