+ 7 (495) 933-08-00



Seminar “Creating joint ventures: the legal aspects, managing them, and the risks they entail”

10:00 — 13:00

52 Kosmodamianskaya naberezhnaya, Bldg. 5, 8th floor (VEGAS LEX office)

3 people

(maximum number of participants to one account in the Dashboard)

The VEGAS LEX law firm invites you to attend a seminar devoted to the legal aspects of setting up and managing joint ventures.

The program includes:

1. Selecting the organizational form for a joint venture: the legal and tax aspects

2. Legally registering the transaction to create the joint venture

3. Key issues concerning managing a joint venture and risk allocation

4. Effective, legal methods for leaving a joint venture

The following people are invited:

Departmental managers and directors involved in legal issues, as well as corporate lawyers

Participation in the event is free of charge

In order to register, please confirm that you will participate by e-mail at the address conference@vegaslex.ru or by telephone at +7 (495) 933 0800.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the event is closed to representatives from law firms and private practice lawyers. 

VEGAS LEX_Программа_Создание совместных предприятий_27.10.2017

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File added 04.10.2017
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