+ 7 (495) 933-08-00



Seminar "Technical Coordinator / fee developer in development projects: practical recommendations"

10:00 — 14:30

52 Kosmodamianskaya naberezhnaya, Bldg. 5, 8th floor (VEGAS LEX office)

3 people

(maximum number of participants to one account in the Dashboard)

The VEGAS LEX law firm, with support from the Russian Guild of Managers and Developers, is holding a practical seminar devoted to issues concerning how to structure relations between the developer and the technical coordinator, practical recommendations when selecting a technical coordinator, and how to properly communicate with the one that is selected.


1. The concept and role of the technical coordinator / fee developer in the system of general contractor relations

2. The reason for inviting a technical coordinator, and the liability it bears

3. Structuring relations between the developer and the technical coordinator

4. Selecting a technical coordinator, and how to communicate properly with one

The following people are invited to attend:

Departmental managers, legal department managers, and corporate chief legal officers


Vera Setskaya, Partner, President GVA Sawyer, FRICS, CCIM

Participation in the event is free of charge

In order to register, please confirm your intent to participate by electronic mail at conference@vegaslex.ru or by telephone at +7 (495) 933 0800.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that this event is not open to representatives from law firms or to private practice lawyers.

General informational partner


Informational partner


Программа Технический заказчик fee-девелопер в девелоперских проектах_16.06.2017

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File added 09.06.2017
Presentation .pdf (1,9 Мб)

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