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Vegas-Lex was a co-arranger of the International Economics Forum “Investments in Russia”

The Forum, arranged by the Volgograd Region Administration in cooperation with the Office of Plenipotentiary Representative of RF President in the South Federal District and regional Volgograd branch of Russian Manufacturer and Entrepreneur League under the auspices of Russian Manufacturer and Entrepreneur League and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, took place in Volgograd on September 26-27, 2005.
Representatives of 41 Russian regions and 70 representatives of foreign companies, embassies and consulates of 14 countries participated in the event.
Povolzhsky Directirate of Vegas-Lex and the Economics Committee of the Volgograd Region, in cooperation with the Regional branch of the Russian Manufacturer and Entrepreneur League organized a round-table discussion titled “Legal Aspects of Investment Activities and Investor Protection. Improving Regional Legal Framework, Experience of Constituent Subjects of the South Federal District (SFD). Creating Favourable Investment Climate for Implementing Particular Investment Schemes. Peculiarities of Banking and Insurance and their Role in the Regional Investment Rating. Regional Aspects of Russia’s Accession to WTO”, which took place in the assembly hall of the Volgograd Regional Duma. The presentation of Mikhail Statyukha, Head of Povolzhsky Directorate of Vegas-Lex, was devoted to legal risks of investment schemes. Furthermore, the round-table discussion embraced presentations made by Alexander Shilin, Chairman of the Board of VIPoil Holding Company, Ruben Yavryan, President of Russian Investor League, Rustem Yuldashev, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Head of Insurance Chair (Moscow State Institute for International Relations), and many others.

Another round-table discussion titled “Industry and Investments. Opportunities. Problems. Priorities”, attended by Igor Shamis, Chairman of the Board of CJSC VMZ Krasniy Oktyabr, Alexei Fomenko, Managing Director of CJSC VMZ Krasniy Oktyabr, Eldor Azizov,  Managing Director of OJSC Kaustic, Vladimir Efimov, Managing Director of Volgograd Aluminium Plant, Head of Regional Development Committee of Vegas-Lex, Mikhail Bobrovski, Head of the Representative Office of CJSC International Moscow Bank, Victor Schurenkov, President of Povolzhsky Branch of Sberbank, and many others, was held at the premises of Krasniy Oktyabr Factory.
At these events, the participants had an opportunity to present their investment projects directly to the audience, share their concerns and consider possible ways to deal with financial and economic issues.

Official web page of Volgograd Economics Forum “Investments in Russia” - http://www.volganet.ru/econforum/

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