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Law Firm Vegas Lex participated in the International conference ‘ Promotion of state and private partnership: new possibilities for the development of unfrastructures in countries with transient econmies’.

Experts of Vegas Lex Law Firm Albert Yeganyan (the Managing partner), Dovran Garagozov (Senior lawyer of the Department of infrastructure and transportation projects) and also Ioanna Gromyko (Head of the Group of State and private partnership projects and Darya Godunova (Senior lawyer with the Group) attended October 21st and 22nd  International conference ‘Promotion of state and private partnership: new possibilities for the development of infrastructures in countries with transient economies’ held at the International Trade and Commerce Center.

The Conference was sponsored by the EEC of the UN, Vnesheconombank (VEB), State University – the Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE) and other Russian partners. The scope of the event was identification of problems of implementation of State and private partnership projects (SPPP) aimed at the development of the infrastructure and the economy of the Country and consolidation of the potential of practical realization of programs of State and private partnership (SPP). The Conference was also attended by representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, private practice and of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). 

Albert Yegonyan participated in the section ‘Development of financial markets and institutes for SPP. Mr. Yegonyan in his presentation titled ‘The influence of the financial crises on the development of SPP instruments’ considered the impacts of the financial crisis on investment projects which received support within the frames of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation and shared views on possible problems in practical realization of the support of investment projects by the State and also addressed to the attention of the audience the system of ranging SPP instruments proceeding degree of topicality in the crisis environments.

Dovran Garagozov presented to the attention of participants of the Section ’The legal and regulatory basis for a successful performance of SPP’ his report dedicated to the subject of ‘The role of State authorities and private practices in the enhancement of the efficiency of realization of SPP projects’. This presentation by Mr. Garagozov concentrated on methods to consolidate the effort State authorities and entrepreneurs and to segment their positions for raising the efficiency of realization of SPP projects, upgrading the basis of rules and regulations in the area of SPP including the analysis of regional legislation and law-making the impacts of the latter on the success SPP projects realization.

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