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European Legal Experts 2009 recommend Vegas Lex for Corporate and M&A Projects

For the second consecutive year, the reputable British directory European Legal Experts 2009 recommends Vegas Lex represented by Managing Partner Albert Eganyan and Director of the Regional Development Committee as experts in the areas of corporate and M&A practices.

Mr. Eganyan has the expertise and experience of successful support of several dozens of projects. Recent landmark projects include the settlement of a major corporate conflict in the aircraft construction industry out of which his client gained control over a firm's major assets and settlement of a major corporate conflict in the petrochemical industry which enabled his client to establish control over a large industrial enterprise.

Other projects supported by Albert Eganyan throughout the past year include advising on an amicable settlement of a corporate conflict in the machine-building industry which allowed his client to purchase a controlling block of shares in another company. Presently, Mr. Eganyan represents a foreign holding company owning shares of a major Russian energy producer with respect to restructuring of a multimillion debt due from one of the major metallurgical holding companies in Russia.

Other major projects completed in the past years include legal support of investment projects by ROSNANO, RusHydro, Sitronics-Nanotechnologies, Norilsk Nickel, Russian Railways, ALROSA, Atomredmetzoloto, RENOVA-StroyGroup, Sveza, Severstal, as well as representation of MTS, Uralsib Asset Management, AFK Sistema, Steklonit, Russian Funds Investment Company, MGTS. At the request of the RF Federal Financial Markets Service, Mr. Eganyan and a team of Corporate Practice lawyers contribute to creating regulatory framework and putting into practice infrastructure bonds on the Russian securities’ market.

Furthermore, Albert Eganyan provides legal support to a number of nationwide investment projects featuring comprehensive investment projects for developing the South Yakutia, Trans-Baikal, the Lower Angara and Amur areas, a full-range investment project Urals Industrial – Urals Polar and the Belkomur infrastructure investment project. Besides, Mr. Eganyan is engaged in providing organizational and legal support for reconstruction of the existing and development of a new terminal in the PulkovoAirport under the PPP model (Gazprombank, Leader Asset Management, Vienna International Airport) and other large-scale infrastructure projects for the total of over $52 billion.

The major projects recently accomplished by lawer in charge of the Firm’s projects in Russian regions include development and successful implementation of corporate anti-absorption measures for a major regional industrial enterprise; generation of strategy and implementation of protections against aggressive acquisition of an oil refinery; restructuring of assets and liabilities of a gas distributor company, and development of a plan to implement the agreement on repayment of debt due by a constituent entity of Russia to a gas seller.

Other past year projects by the expert include implementation of a corporate system for managing and holding assets of a major regional distributor and a regional multi-product holding company, as well as a comprehensive support for the squeeze-out procedure for one of the Russian construction supplies manufacturer.

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