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Viktor Yuzefovich enlightens the readers of the reputable Legal500 directory on Securities Litigation as a new trend evolving in Russia

Legal500, an international legal guide, publishes an article by Viktor Yuzefovich, Attorney with the “Arbitration. Disputes. Litigation” Practice, associated with the evolution of Securities Litigation in Russia. 

The financial turmoil has forced many investors to turn to courts appealing against violation of their rights by issuers. The steps taken by investors reflect a massive yet chaotic movement in the context of inadequate legislation and lack of case law. The investors are ready to use any and all remedies available for protecting the investments, beginning with negotiations and ending with numerous court claims and criminal prosecution of the issuers’ top management. This practice is starting to increasingly resemble Securities Litigation, a phenomenon that has been existing in the USA for long in the form of both legislation and professional practice by lawyers and government institutions. For more details on the evolution of this trend in Russia, please, see Securities Litigation: Step-by-Step Evolution in Russia posted on Legal500.

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