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A reputable legal directory Legal 500 has published an article of Vegas Lex experts on the foreign investments into strategic sectors of the Russian economy. The article was authored by Anna Ovcharova, Senior Lawyer of International Projects Group.

A reputable legal directory Legal 500 has published an article of Vegas Lex experts on the foreign investments into strategic sectors of the Russian economy. The article was authored by Anna Ovcharova, Senior Lawyer of International Projects Group.

The strategic undertakings in such sectors of economy as telecommunications, hydrometeorology, aviation security and weapon production as well as many others are always subject to special attention by foreign investors and, at the same time, have special protection by the Domestic Government. To protect national interests, most countries nowadays have special legislation regulating foreign investment flowing into the fields of economy having importance for the security and defense of the states.

For more details on the issue please see “Infrastructure and Investment – Will the Two Notions be Compatible in the Near Future” at Legal500.

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