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VEGAS LEX joins The Moscow International Energy Forum “Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in XXI Century” for the first time

It is for the first time that law firm VEGAS LEX took part in the Moscow International Energy Forum «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century» (MIEF-2011), which was organized with the support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, The Council of the Federation Commission on Natural Monopolies as well as the Committees of the State Duma on Energy and Foreign Affairs. The Forum took place in Central Exhibition Hall «Manege» from April 6 till April 9, 2011.

On April 8th within the frame of the session «Updated Legal Mechanisms of Stimulating Investments in the Heat Power Industry: First Results and Assessments by Market Players», Alexander Sitnikov, Managing Director of VEGAS LEX, gave a speech on «Commercial accounting of electric energy - the urgent problems of the legal regulation". This session also addressed other issues, such as: institutional and legal problems of improvement of the investment stimulating mechanisms; problem of investment project manageability in the power industry: before and after the sector reform and others. Annually the leading experts, key regulators and representatives of the industry take part in MIEF-FEC and this year VEGAS LEX presented an outstanding report at one of the sessions.

Program of MIEF-2011 was very informative. Great attention was paid to the discussions of the urgent issues, including creation of the legal frame for the effective collaboration on the international energy market.

Energy Practice is one of the strategic and priority areas of the business for the Firm and that is why the participation in the forum as experts turns out to be a very significant event for VEGAS LEX.


2011 forum is supported by the State Duma, the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There are 13 international conferences and round tables in the program, which will be participated by managers and experts of the large Russian and international energy companies, representatives of the industry academic institutions and other world recognized leaders.   

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