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The strategy of building an innovative economy: VEGAS LEX at INNOPROM 2011

A round table discussion «Associated infrastructure of industrial construction projects - development of the territories on parity of terms» will take place in Yekaterinburg, on July 14 and 15th, 2011, and will be supported by VEGAS LEX law firm and the first infrastructure company InfraONE. The event will be a part of the annual International Ural Exhibition and Forum of Industry and Innovation INNOPROM 2011.

Albert Eganyan, Managing Partner at VEGAS LEX, will moderate the discussion. Denis Shtirbu, Senior Attorney of PPP and Infrastructure department, will present his report on «Project financing with «governmental shoulder» element in creating the external infrastructure of industrial facilities».

Among the invited speakers of the discussion group:

  • Sergei Zamyatin, Director of the Representative Office «DB International GmbH» in Russia
  • Alex Meleshenko, Deputy General Director of JSC «Intertechelectro»
  • Sergei Filippov, General Director of “Middle Ural Development Corporation», OJSC
  • Vitaly Nedelskyi, Deputy Prime Minister of the Sverdlovsk region, Minister for State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk region,
  • Oleg Lysak, Senior Investment Manager at Infrastructure Projects Office of «RUSNANO»,
  • Anna Vylitok, Deputy Director of Construction and Transportation department of OJSC «Corporation Ural Industrial - Ural Polar».

As the outcome of the event an action plan will be formed to foster the innovative sector of the Russian economy.

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