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VEGAS LEX about trends and sources of funding at the meeting of Rostov club of financiers

On October 13 Rostov club of financiers held a round table meeting on "Sources and trends of funding (IPO, bonds, mergers and acquisitions, bank loans)". VEGAS LEX* experts,Maksim Grigoriev, Head of the South Branch, and Director for Regional Development, Partner, took active part in the event. Representatives of the banks, such as Uniastrum, Vozrozhdenie, Otkrytie, Globex, participated in a debate on financing in anticipation of another coming crisis wave. Expert opinions were expressed by managers of Troika Dialog, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and CFOs of leading companies in Rostov.

The meeting started with a presentation on IPO** matters by Maxim Grigoriev. He revealed VEGAS LEX experience in IPO deals and provided details about IPO preparatory stage, including listing on the London Stock Exchange***. The participants were engaged in a stormy debate over the necessity and value of IPO on Russian and foreign exchange sites.

Further on the audience switched to discussing the funding sources originated in M&A (mergers and acquisitions). PwC shared its experience in such transactions.

“Investors’ participation in business from strategic and financial perspective is very relevant for medium and large regional businesses. Most of these transactions are completely nonpublic and, often, unfortunately, they are prepared and executed not in the most efficient manner. We, experts, hope that in the near future Russian businesses will pay more attention to M&A, and the transactions will be more civilized, with more favorable conditions for the parties ", - says expert.

Closing the session, representatives from the banking sector briefed the participants on their loan portfolios and loan conditions.

Photo report about the even you will be able to find here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.258959690808621.56001.193739330663991&type=1

* VEGAS LEX provides a full range of legal services to support corporate processes, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), corporate governance, capital markets transactions and corporate reorganizations, as well as due diligence.

** IPO (Initial Public Offering) — a corporation's first offer to sell stock to the public

*** London Stock Exchange — the primary stock exchange in the U.K. and the largest in Europe

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