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VEGAS LEX in the National Conference on the Third Antimonopoly Package of Amendments

December 2, at the hotel "Holiday Inn Suschevsky", All-Russia conference "Improvement of the Russian antimonopoly legislation: third antimonopoly package of amendments" was held. It was organized by the magazine Corporate Lawyer with the support of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia and the Supreme Arbitration Court. VEGAS LEX law firm and the Russian Corporate Counsel Association (RCCA) were the partners of the conference.

The conference was organized in order to inform in advance the business community about the impact that the third antimonopoly package will have (the State Duma adopted the "Third package of amendments to Antimonopoly law" in its final third reading November 22). Due to the participation of such speakers as representatives of various levels of FAS Russia, SAC, partners and heads of practices of the largest law firms, as well as heads of legal departments - it was possible to consider the topic from different angles.

The beginning of the conference was marked by the speech of Andrey Tsyganov, Deputy Head of FAS Russia, and Sergei Puzyrevsky, Head of the Legal Department of FAS Russia, who presented the third antimonopoly package in more details. Alexander Sitnikov, Managing Director and Partner at VEGAS LEX, gave a presentation about the risks and business opportunities under the new regulation. Head of Commercial practice at VEGAS LEX, examined features of the administrative proceedings against company officials who have violated the antimonopoly laws. Alexander Vasyukhnova, Head of Technology and Investment practice, spoke about new instruments of prevention of antimonopoly violations.

Dmitri Dedov, a judge of the Supreme Arbitration Court, reviewed recent trends in the judicial practice on antimonopoly matters. The participants also discussed the impact of the provisions of the third antimonopoly package on businesses of electric power industry. They thoroughly investigated the most significant to businesses amendments, looked into the features of building distribution relationships in light of the third antimonopoly package, and addressed issues related to intellectual property protection by antimonopoly laws.

The audience, consisting of representatives from legal departments of large businesses, provided positive feedback on the event, which allowed the participants to get the information directly from the top officials of FAS Russia, to direct the questions to the speakers, to learn about the latest trends in the jurisprudence from the judges of the RF, and to share achievements with the colleagues who work in the same field.

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