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RBW-2013: VEGAS LEX on corporate fraud prevention

The conference on "Lifting Administrative Burden and State Control Optimization as an Anti-corruption Tool"  held  within the Russian Business Week 2013 on March 20, 2013, was organized with the support of law firm VEGAS LEX.

The key issues proposed for the discussion were the problems in the sphere of anti-corruption, implementation of the government policy of reduction of administrative burden for businesses, issues on optimization of means of control and supervision. 

The Director for Regional Development, the partner of VEGAS LEX spoke at the session "International standards and corporate anti-corruption practices" about "Corporate anti-corruption. Applicable tools". He spoke about the expediency of corporate fraud prevention, on the essential anti-corruption tools, on the importance of business being actively involved in fraud prevention. He also presented the preliminary results of the nationwide research on identification of problems related to prevention of corporate fraud, undertaken under the aegis of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, which aroused an avid interest among the audience. 

The conference was attended by the President of RSPP A.Shokhin, Minister of the Russian Federation M. Abyzov, State Secretary, Deputy of Economic Development Minister of the Russian Federation O.Fomichev, Consellor to the President of the Russian Federation S. Dubik, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the RF in the Constitutional Court of the RF, the Supreme Court of the RF and the Supreme Arbitrazh Court of the RF M.Y. Barshchevskiy, the Collegium member of the Eurasian Economic Commission T.M. Suleymenov, the Chairman of the State Duma Economic Policy Committee I. Rudenskiy and other representatives of business, government and international organizations. 


Please, find more on VEGAS LEX practice related to corporate fraud prevention, including anti-corruption compliance and advocatory investigations of corporate fraud here

The Russian Business Week of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs serves as a platform for constructive interaction of business and government. This is the 4th year when VEGAS LEX has been the general partner of the Week, organizing a number of conferences and round tables. http://www.nrb-rspp.ru/

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