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VEGAS LEX conducts seminars on the English law contracts in Volgograd

In September law firm VEGAS LEX conducts a number of seminars on the English law contracts in Volgograd. The topic attracts an avid interest among professionals due to an increasing tendency of the big business in Russia and CIS countries for structuring the transactions and commercial agreements not under the local law but under a foreign law, predominantly the English law. 

The main speaker at the seminars is Thomas Hornby, Counsel of International projects group of VEGAS LEX (Moscow).

The participants will discuss the issues on structuring the deals under the English law: the contents of the contract, contractual protection, guarantees, difficulties, possible losses and means of reduction of such losses and other points.  The experts will tell about the advantages and pitfalls of the English law in concluding the deals, which instruments should be applied, in which case one should aplly the English law as a governing law.

The event is addressed to the heads of the legal departments of enterprises involved in the foreign economic activities.


For detailed information on the services of VEGAS LEX related to operation of business in foreign jurisdictions and implementation of projects structured under the foreign law please click here.  

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