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VEGAS LEX lectures on public-private partnership in Tatarstan

The VEGAS LEX law firm held the first series of lectures on public-private partnership (PPP) in Kazan, Tatarstan on October 10, 2013, at the initiative of the republic’s Ministry of Land and Property Relations. The lectures were organized for the heads of district chambers of land and property relations, representatives of Tatarstan’s ministries, agencies and organizations involved in the implementation of PPP projects.

The VEGAS LEX experts spoke of the forms of PPP used in Russia and the methods of gauging these projects’ expediency and effectiveness, as well as of the draft federal law on PPP, its content and the amendments that are planned to be made to the draft in time for the bill’s second reading in the State Duma. The lectures were followed by a case study analysis of tender procedures, namely the timelines of concession tenders/projects, the most common mistakes made during the preparation of tender documents, and errors in concession agreements.

The lectures were delivered by senior associate Evgenia Zusman and associate Ivan Lavrentyev from the company’s PPP and infrastructure Practice, and moderated by Alexander Vyazovik, head of the Volgograd Office.

The lectures sparked lively interest in the audience and were followed by numerous practical questions.

Click  here  for details about the firm’s PPP and infrastructure projects.

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