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Yury Ivanov speaks about new property tax administration rules

VEGAS LEX Projects Manager of Tax Practice, Yury Ivanov, spoke at a meeting with the readers of the Commercial Real Estate magazine on November 19. His presentation was included in the Tax Burden session.

He spoke in detail about the most recent amendments to the Russian Tax Code concerning the corporate property tax payment. Companies will now pay property tax on their administrative, office and retail buildings based on their cadastral value. In his report, Ivanov discussed how the changes would influence the tax burden of various businesses depending on the class of their properties, the date of acquisition or construction of their buildings. The expert also addressed ways to reduce the tax burden and controversial taxation issues with regard to specific facilities.

The meeting was attended by major developers, consultants, investors and other experts in commercial real estate.

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s tax-related services click 

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