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VEGAS LEX attends meetings chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov

On December 6, VEGAS LEX managing partner Alexander Sitnikov  attended a meeting chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov on amendments to the law on competition.

Mr. Sitnikov laid out the business community’s position on amendments to the 4th anti-monopoly package, a package of legislation proposed by the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service (FAS) and rejected by the government three times. Thanks to the VL lawyers’ efforts and proposed changes to the legislation, the draft was sent back for revision.

On December 3, Igor Shuvalov gathered senior executives of Russia’s leading companies and the leaders of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers) to discuss amendments to Chapter 4 of Part 1 of Russia’s Civil Code concerning the definition and criteria of affiliates.

MrSitnikov explained to the participants some of the points of the planned changes to the legislation, which earlier raised business executives’ greatest concerns – such as the possibility of a very broad interpretation of affiliation by courts. The draft was also sent for revision with due account of VEGAS LEX’s comments and suggestions.

VEGAS LEX is part of the Employers’ Union committees on promoting competition, on property, and on energy policy and energy efficiency. The firm is also a member of several FAS expert councils and the Non-Profit Partnership for the Advancement of Corporate Law at the Economic Development Ministry.

In November 2013, Alexander Sitnikovwaselectedtoheadaworkinggroup on promotion of competition and improvement of the anti-monopoly legislation, comprised Russia’s largest business associations.

In 2012, he was awarded by a FAS Certificate of Honor for his contribution to the promotion of competition and improvement of Russia’s anti-monopoly legislation.

VEGAS LEX cooperates with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, providing legal support to businesses in presenting their projects and to the agency in implementing the selected initiatives. It is also part of a working group at the National Entrepreneurship Initiative on improving the investment climate.

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s anti-monopoly practice, click here; on the firm’s services involving corporate law, click here .

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