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VEGAS LEX partner of Pharm Business Russia 2014

The conference is supported by the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, the Innovative Pharma (InPharma) Association and others.

The conference agenda includes the following issues for discussion:

  • Results of 2013 and outlining trends for 2014;
  • Concentrating more innovative pharmaceutical development projects in Russia;
  • GMP and Prescription Drug Insurance: pilot project results;
  • How GMP can change the present day pharmaceutical industry? Will the industry adopt the standards on time? and 
  • INN prescription and others.

Invited to speak at the conference are Yelena Maksimkina, head of the healthcare Ministry’s Department of Medication Supply and Medical Products Market Regulation; Timofei Nizhegorodtsev, head of the public services and retail oversight at the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service; Sergei Tsyb, Deputy Industry and Trade Minister; Sergei Kalashnikov, chairman of the State Duma healthcare committee; Mikhail Murashko, acting head of the Federal Service on Healthcare Surveillance (Roszdravnadzor); Alexander Sitnikov, VEGAS LEX Managing Partner; Pyotr Rodionov, General Director of Geropharm Group; Danil Blinov, country manager at Pfizer Russia; Marina Veldanova, country manager at Ipsen Russia; Alexei Torgov, deputy general director for government liaison at BIOCAD and others.

The conference annually brings together over 300 representatives of major Russian and foreign companies, government agencies and industry unions.


For more information on the conference please visit its official website at 

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s experience in the pharmaceutical industry, click 

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