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VEGAS LEX - partner of PharmBusiness Russia 2014

The conference was co-sponsored by the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, the Innovative Pharma (InPharma) Association, the Society of Professional Pharmaceutical Organizations (SPFO), and the Russian Association of Pharmacy Chains.

The participants discussed the industry’s results of 2013, the pharmaceuticals market trends and changes, the planned changes in legislation as well as those already in effect, partnership issues influencing the growing pharmaceuticals industry, the practice of developing successful partnerships and alliances in Russia, ways to boost sales and implement loyalty programs.

VEGAS LEX’s Maria Borzova, senior associate and manager of Life Sciences Projects, spoke at the conference plenary. She specifically discussed the main procurement trends on the medical market.

Other speakers at the plenary session included Timofei Nizhegorodtsev, head of the public services and retail oversight at the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service;  Viktor Dmitriyev, general director of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers;Valentina Kosenko, head of the medical products quality control department at the Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development; Vladimir Shipkov, executive director of the Association of International Pharmaceutical; and Alik Batoyan, head of the Working Group on Drug Reimbursement at the Pharmaceuticals Market Standards SRO and CEO of the Olekstra insurance company. 

PharmBusiness Russia is a key annual event in Russia’s pharmaceutical industry. This year’s conference was attended by 350 participants that included senior executives of Russian and international pharmaceuticals producers, pharmacy chains and distributors, as well as academics,representatives of government agencies and public associations.

For more information on the conference please visit its website at

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s services in the pharmaceuticals industry, please click here.

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