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Aleksandra Vasyukhnova on trademark protection in online retail

The panel was held within the framework of the seventh forum Intellectual Property – XXI Century, organized by Russia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to discuss the development of competition in the Russian electronic commerce market, online trade infrastructure and consumer rights.

In her report Ms. Vasyukhnova provided a detailed instruction of trademark protection methods in online marketing, focusing on ways to establish the fact of infringement and find the perpetrator, the procedure for filing complaints and requesting the assistance of law enforcement agencies, as well as some aspects of instituting legal proceedings.

Other participants in the discussion were Vitaly Zhigulin, CEO of the Russian Association of Internet Trade Companies (AICT), Denis Kosenkov, Director for Corporate Governance and Law at the e-commerce company Enter, and Nikolai Polozov, head of the Law Department at Canon.

To learn more about VEGAS LEX trademark and copyright protection services, go here.

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