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VEGAS LEX on amendments to Federal Law "On Concession Agreements"

Maria Yarmalchuk, Deputy Director of the RF Economic Development Ministry Investment Policy and PPP Development Department, was invited to speak at the business breakfast. She made a report to cover the main objectives of the key amendments to the law, made comments about the ministry's understanding of the new statutory provisions, spoke about forthcoming activities of the ministry aimed at endorsement of a bylaw framework required to enforce the law provisions, and informed about newlegislative initiatives for further improvement of Federal Law "On Concession Agreements".

Head of PPP Practice and Infrastructure, spoke about potential application of the new revision of the law and about 'stumbling blocks' that may emerge in law enforcement practice. He also shed light on key amendments that concern objects of concession agreements, private initiative, concessor payment, express agreement, and mentioned currently unresolved problems of concession laws.

The business breakfast was attended by representatives of the Moscow Government, State Duma, Federal Road Agency, Federal Budget Enterprise Dorogi Rossiyi (Russia Roads), OAO Skorostnye Magistrali (Highways), Moscow Transport Hub Directorate, large finance firms and investment companies (Vnesheconombank, Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow), and companies involved in infrastructure projects (UK Lider, Bazovy Element (Base Element), Aeroporty Regionov (Regional Airports), Mechel Trans, IFSC ARKS, etc.).


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