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VEGAS LEX participates in 2nd National Conference on Defense Procurement

Head of VEGAS LEX Commercial Group Julia Tormagova spoke at the 2nd National Conference on Defense Procurement, one of the most high-profile events in the industry.

The 2nd National Conference on Procurement in the Defense Industry took place on November 18, 2014 – one of the key events related to public procurement for the defense and security needs.* The conference furthered the ongoing dialogue between the industry and government agencies aimed at working out a set of rules regulating the environment for defense and security procurement, which, fr om the professional community’s perspective, would help meet the goals of defense companies**.

Head of VEGAS LEX Commercial Group spoke at the session Cooperation: Specifics of Procurement by Cooperation Type. In her presentation, Cooperation in Defense Procurement: Specifics of Public Procurement, she spoke about general conditions for and types of cooperation, joint tenders and auctions when customers order the same type of goods, works or services. He discussed some aspects of lifecycle contracts in the defense industry: wh ere and how such contracts are applicable in the defense industry, and their investment attractiveness. He cited examples of international practices of using this instrument.

The conference focused on several issues, including pricing in accordance with procurement types, the specifics of procurement with various cooperation types, and the specifics of procurement of defense-purpose innovative and high-tech products, works and services, the experience in and prospects of using procurement management tools.

The event was attended by representatives of the Government Military Industrial Commission, the Defense Ministry, the Industry and Trade Ministry, the Economic  Development Ministry, the Federal Anti-monopoly Service, the Federal Tariff Service, and the Accounts Chamber; the leaders and deputy heads of defense companies, as well as heads of their departments responsible for procurement; representatives of suppliers including developers of innovative products and solutions, and leading experts in regulated procurement.


For more information on VEGAS LEX’s services related to anti-monopoly regulation and procurement, please click here.

* The National Conference on Procurement in the Defense Industry is a specialized platform for direct dialogue between the government, companies and organizations in the defense industry and experts to discuss important issues and work out proposals on improving defense procurement with due account of this industry’s specifics.

**Source http://zakupki-opk.ru/

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