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VEGAS LEX discusses main trends in taxation in Russia

On December 23, 2016, VEGAS LEX hosted a roundtable, Main trends in taxation in Russia, for major Russian and foreign companies.

Denis Kozhevnikov, associate of VEGAS LEX Tax practice, spoke about the most important litigations and trends in jurisprudence in 2016. He used specific cases as examples to discuss important issues including unjustified tax benefit, transfer-based pricing, taxation of cross-border transactions, and Golden Parachutes.

Manager of Tax practice projects Yuriy Ivanov discussed taxpayer protection strategies in modern realities, focusing on the criminal and property aspects of a chief executive's liability in the sphere of tax relations. He cited specific disputes that reflected the specifics of prosecuting a chief executive for tax crimes and collecting damages to compensate public and corporate losses. In addition, he covered issues of a CEO’s secondary liability and specifics of fiscal accounting of some of the company’s spending on its chief executive.

Other invited experts at the roundtable included Deputy Head of the Department for Financial and Banking Legislation of the State Duma Legal Department Olga Borzunova, Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service Control Department Konstantin Novosyolov and Deputy Head of the Legal Department of the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 6 for Major Taxpayers Kazbek Olisayev. During the discussion, representatives of government agencies answered the participants’ questions about changes in the legislation and planned innovations.


* The information partner of the event is the Russian Guild of Managers and Developers.

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s tax law projects, please go here.



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