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How to market software online and reduce IT companies’ tax risks

Aleksandra Vasyukhnova, head of VEGAS LEX Technology and Investment Group, delivered her opening remarks on the application of various contract models in online software marketing and ensuing risks. She mentioned the types of agreements that can be used in software distribution (license agreements, services agreements or agency agreements) and which of them are preferable, and discussed the risks involved in each of the conventional contract models.

Dmitry Borodin from the Technology and Investment Group covered alternative contract models and some of the less usual aspects of software distribution, such as the legal structuring of relations that involve cloud solutions and mobile app marketing.

Projects manager of Tax Practice Yury Ivanov commented on various issues of contractual law being discussed at the workshop, such as the taxation of various contractual relations and the practice of tax disputes. Mr. Ivanov brought the participants up to date on government interventions aimed at reducing IT companies’ tax burden. He cited several fiscal support policies such as discounted insurance premium and federal and regional tax preferences. He especially emphasized regional policies including lower corporate profit tax rates, simplified tax arrangements, and corporate property tax privileges introduced in more than 20 Russian regions.

Dr. Andrei Kizimov, Deputy Director for Tax and Customs Tariff Policy at the Ministry of Finance, attended the event as a special guest. He spoke about tax policy priorities and tax administration on Internet-based activities now discussed at the regulatory level.

Nikolay Rudomanov from Tax Practice continued discussing taxation in the IT sector. He specifically focused on the international aspect of taxation of IT-product distribution and went over the issues that Russian companies can encounter when dealing with international customers. He also analyzed the most recent Russian and foreign court practices.


For more information on the VL Technology and Investment Group’s services in the TMT sector, click here.

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s tax law services, click here.

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