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Igor Chumachenko discusses the legitimacy of Shuvalovsky and Dominion residential projects on MSU grounds on Business FM radio

On March 27, 2017, Igor Chumachenko, VEGAS LEX partner and head of the Real Estate, Land & Construction Practice, gave an interview to the News of Companies and Corporations program on Business FM radio.

As the Kommersant business daily found out, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) is making a case against the Shuvalovsky and Dominion residential projects built on Moscow State University grounds in southwestern Moscow to recognize these developments illegal. The two buildings are among the largest projects that had been implemented by Inteco company owned by Yelena Baturina. If the university fails to prove the legitimacy of construction in court, then in the worst-case scenario, the authorities will demand that the elite buildings not related to the educational process be demolished; at best, MSU will face a fine of at least 2 billion rubles.

Igor Chumachenko commented on the possible scenarios for further development of the case.

“The fact that both buildings are fully populated should certainly be taken into account, or at least the apartments have been sold, as far as I understand,” he said. “This means the rights of third parties are involved. Therefore, as far as the consequences of unauthorized construction are concerned, it is unlikely that the case will be supported. The court might uphold the university’s claim; the university might prove the Rosreestr resolution unlawful; or, the case could result in a settlement agreement resolving all issues, in which both parties would confirm that the construction had been carried out in accordance with the permits and regulations. They would agree that certain inconsistencies or violations have been identified, which need to be dealt with, and, possibly, some kind of compensation would be paid. The demolition of the buildings as unauthorized construction projects is not even being considered – the case is about challenging the Rosreestr act drawn up on the results of an inspection by the commission.”*

The video is available at



Source: https://www.bfm.ru/news/350252

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