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Igor Chumachenko of VEGAS LEX speaks on Channel One: Best to register property before ‘Dacha Amnesty’ ends

On May 29, Igor Chumachenko, VEGAS LEX Partner and head of the Real Estate, Land & Construction Practice, spoke in a televised interview with Dobroe utro (Good morning) program on Channel One. The show was devoted to the changes in dacha ownership.

On June 1, 2015, Russia will launch a massive inspection of land plot boundaries. The process will especially concern gardening partnerships, subsidiary plots and small farms. Fines for unregistered plots and unauthorized structures will increase 20-fold this year.

To avoid problems, the owner should first obtain a layout sheet with the correct boundaries of their property. As Mr. Chumachenko said in his interview, to be sure the layout is correct, it must be ordered from a qualified cadastral engineer who has authorization to perform the work. Further on, having obtained the correct measurements, an extract from the house register, and the neighbors’ consent for expansion, if needed, one needs to apply to the local administration for the title to the land. Once this property certificate is issued, one can apply to the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) for the cadastral certificate.

A number of restrictions on the registration and use of land without clearly designated boundaries will come into effect from January 1, 2018, when the so-called ‘Dacha Amnesty’ ends. This means that, if one owns a dacha, but has no official title to the land it uses, there is still time for a legitimate registration and for obtaining a cadastral certificate. Three years from now, unregistered plots of land will be recognized as occupied illegally and alienated.*

The program went on air at 9:51 a.m. on May 29, 2015. The video is available at http://www.1tv.ru/sprojects_utro_video/si33/p94499.


* Source Channel One.

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