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Igor Chumachenko discusses redevelopment of industrial zones on RBC TV

On July 20, 2016, Igor Chumachenko, VEGAS LEX partner and head of the Real Estate, Land & Construction Practice, gave an interview to host Andrey Levchenko on his Levchenko. Perspective program on RBC TV Channel. He was asked to comment on redevelopment of unused industrial zones.

Thousands of industrial zones remain unused and neglected in many Russian cities. Development of those areas could be beneficial for residents, builders and investors alike. The invited speakers discussed some of the main problems, such as how to create a favorable investment climate for such projects and how cities are currently using abandoned industrial zones. What would be the government’s or businesses’ choice when it comes to modernizing industrial zones?*

The participants also drew public attention to some legal issues, such as the application of Federal Law No. 373-FZ of 12.14.2015** signed on July 3, 2016, which added clauses to the Town Planning Code pertaining to the development of areas including those meant for industrial and utilities purposes.

The program, Modernization of industrial areas: fashion or strategy, went on air on July 20, 2016 at 5:35 p.m. The video is available at http://tv.rbc.ru/archive/levchenko/578f94539a7947cd1faa275a.


* Source RBC TV Channel

** The law on some key clauses will come into force on January 1, 2017. According to Sergey Lyovkin, Head of the Moscow Department of Urban Development, the new legislation introduces and defines the concept of “work on integrated and sustainable development of territories” where “integrated” means that, along with residential, industrial, public and business facilities, emerging areas must necessarily have utilities, transport and social infrastructures essential for their full use; whereas “sustainable” has to do with comfortable and safe operation of each facility for its entire life cycle. Source: The Moscow City Urban Development Policy and Construction Department website.

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