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Russian Industrialists, VEGAS LEX and FAS Russia discuss the specifics of, and judicial disputes in, the resources supply to enterprises

On 22 June 2017, the Property Committee of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE) and the law firm VEGAS LEX held a roundtable on the topic “Supplying Resources to Industrial Consumers: Current Issues and Judicial Practice”, with the participation of the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Alexander Sitnikov, Deputy Chairman of the Competition Development Committee, member of the RUIE’s Property Committee, VEGAS LEX Managing Partner, briefly assessed the regulation of, and the current situation related to, the resource supply sector and, as usual, thanked the Antimonopoly Service for the opportunity to maintain an open dialogue with business community.

Evgeniy Rodin, VEGAS LEX Partner and Head of Energy practice, discussed with the roundtable participants the economic and legal aspects of conclusion, performance and termination of resource supply contracts, cited statistics for disputes in the area of energy supply and explained the procedure for challenging tariffs and the consequences of their cancellation, as well as the ways of recovery of the amount(s) overpaid by the consumer.

Dmitry Berdnikov, Head of the Department for Antimonopoly Control over Retail Electricity Markets of the Electric Power Industry Regulation Division of the FAS Russia, answered the topical questions regarding the antimonopoly authority’s legal approaches to supporting competition in the energy supply markets (for electricity, heat, water and gas supply), including regarding the procedure for non-discriminatory access to the respective utility networks and the procedure for technological connection to these networks, and also particularly concerning the ensuring of legality when executing contractual relations between the energy supply market participants.

The FAS Russia’s expert further commented on the main novelties of the current resource supply legislation and the key trends in the development of legislation concerning tariff regulation.

Yuriy Tatarinov, Counsel of VEGAS LEX Energy practice, reviewed the judicial practice in the resource supply sector, including the RF Supreme Court’s approaches to resolving disputes in the electricity, heat and water supply, and explained how to recover losses resulting from disturbance of the energy supply regime.

The major Russian and foreign industrial and energy-supplying enterprises and companies, including AGC Glass Europe, Segezga group, Volvo Group, Gazprom Teploenergo, Quadra, LUKOIL-Energoservice, Novolipetsk Steel Company, RUSAL, Pipe Metallurgical Company, Fortum and others, took part in the event.


For more information on VEGAS LEX’s activities in the energy sector, please click here.

For more detailed information on VEGAS LEX’s litigation support services, please click here.

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s services in the area of antimonopoly regulation, please click here.


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