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International Investment Forum Sochi-2015: Discussing Russian infrastructure development trends, investment and PPP projects

On October 2, 2015, Partner, Chairman of the Board of Partners Albert Eganyan spoke at the roundtable Investments in the Transport Infrastructure as a Driver of Economic Development, as part of the Sochi-2015 international investment forum.* He talked about transport infrastructure development trends and prospects for attracting investment in infrastructure in 2015–2020. He focused on the needs and assessment of the existing infrastructure market, including the transport industry, on the prospects for attracting Asian investors to Russian infrastructure projects, on funding opportunities for infrastructure projects by medium-sized and large Russian banks and other important issues.

Mr. Eganyan also took an active part in the debates during the case study session, Managing Social Risks Inherent in Implementing Large-Scale Infrastructure Projects, and the brainstorming session, How to Make Regional Development Strategies Work? The participants discussed new approaches and practices for the implementation of regional development strategies, key success factors and obstacles that hinder turning strategic plans into real projects.

Head of PPP and Infrastructure practice, spoke at the hands-on workshop Five Aspects of Successful Implementation of PPP Projects in Russian Regions. The expert gave a comparative analysis of the procedure for and terms of consideration of private initiative under the 115-FZ and 224-FZ federal laws, and cited the advantages of private initiative for both public and private partners under 224-FZ.


* The Sochi International Investment Forum is a modern venue for constructive dialogue between business and government, which is essential to successful implementation of major investment projects in Russia. The business program of what is rightly considered the main investment event in the country calls for an open discussion of the most acute issues of regional economic development by representatives of the government and business and experts communities. http://www.forumkuban.com/

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s PPP and infrastructure projects, please go here.

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