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Maria Borzova gives her expert opinion on pharmaceutical market issues on Pharmvestnik-TV

Maria Borzova, Manager of Life Sciences Projects at VEGAS LEX, gave her expert opinion on some of the important aspects of the pharmaceutical market’s operation, highlighted by on the Pharmvestnik-TV channel in its Main News for the last week of August:

  • The Federal Anti-Monopoly Service and Economic Development Ministry object to expanding the list of medical products falling under the so-called "Third Is Out" restriction for state procurement of drugs.

  • The Healthcare Ministry hopes that the pharmaceutical market will remain stable despite the ruble’s depreciation.

  • Apteki Stolitsy pharmacy chain gets new director

  • Government sets a time limit for a patient’s visit to the doctor at an outpatient clinic

  • Novartis acquires all the remaining rights to GlaxoSmithKline’s multiple sclerosis drug

The program went on air on August 31, 2015. The video is available at http://www.pharmvestnik.ru/publs/lenta/farmvestnik-tv/novosti-nedeli-vypusk-38.html#.VeW7oPntlBf


* Source: Pharmvestnik-TV channel.

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s services no the pharmaceutical market, please go here.

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