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Maria Borzova speaks on RBC TV program, Pharmaceuticals with Polina Zvezdina

On September 4, 2017, Maria Borzova, VEGAS LEX Manager of Life sciences projects, gave an expert assessment of the new pricing methodology for Vital and Essential Drugs (VED) on the RBC TV channel. The methodology was previously presented by the Russian Ministry of Healthcare, and discussed at the RBC media holding’s business breakfast on August 29.

The new pricing procedure establishes a different legal regime for Reference Listed Drugs (RLD), for generic drugs and biosimilars. In this regard, the expert noted that the new methodology can only be adopted after the approval of the list of RLD, she said.

“The draft document was put up for public discussion on August 24, 2017. Public consultations will last until September 13, so businesses still have time to prepare their comments,” Ms. Borzova pointed out adding that finalizing the submitted documents will take another three or four months. When asked about the timeframe of this work, the expert said “it is impossible to give an exact forecast.”

The program, Pharmaceuticals with Polina Zvezdina, went on air on September 4, 2017 at 16:45. The video is available at this link.


* Source: RBC TV Channel http://tv.rbc.ru/archive/project/59ad5d799a7947e9d6a02975

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