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Issues about water use regulation, wastewater discharge discussed at VEGAS LEX / FAS Russia workshop

On November 24, 2016, the VEGAS LEX law firm hosted a workshop, Water use and wastewater discharge: disputes and regulatory issues*, with the participation of FAS Russia expert, for representatives of large industrial companies, water suppliers and water utilities.

Head of FAS Russia Department dealing with complaints, pre-trial settlement of tariff disputes and disagreements in the housing sector and rail transport Ivan Kukushkin spoke about the problems of recording the costs associated with the negative impact of the regulated sewerage activities on the environment.

VEGAS LEX Energy practice experts also spoke at the event, including Senior Associate Nikolay Linchenko and Counsel Yuriy Tatarinov. Partner, Head of Energy practice Evgeniy Rodin moderated the discussion.

The experts discussed the problems of water use (contracts, payment for the use of water bodies), wastewater discharges (environmental impact standards, standards of quality, pollution taxes) and damage to water bodies (payment for the damage, judicial and environmental impact assessment). The lawyers analyzed the practice of dispute resolution in water management, water supply, sewerage and wastewater discharge and talked about the standards of sewerage and permissible discharge, and the current judicial practice of collecting penalties for discharge of wastewater and pollutants.


* The Russian Guild of Managers and Developers, PravoTEK group and the ezh-Yurist newspaper provided information support for the event.

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s services to the energy sector, please go here.

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