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Guidelines for competition development policy discussed at RSPP Competition Development Committee and FAS Russia conference

On January 31, 2017, RSPP Competition Development Committee held an expanded meeting with representatives of FAS Russia and the VEGAS LEX law firm, chaired by RSPP Board member Sergey Generalov, devoted to the guidelines for the state competition development policy for 2017–2018; the main trends and initiatives to change legislation in procurement and tariff regulation.

At the beginning of his presentation, Deputy Chairman of the RSPP Competition Development Committee, VEGAS LEX Managing Partner Alexander Sitnikov, thanked FAS Russia for the open position and the opportunity for a constructive dialogue with the business community on a wide range of issues related to the development of competition in Russia. After that, Mr. Sitnikov presented a report on the Committee’s priorities and plans, including improvement of the competition protection law (135-FZ) and the public procurement and tariff regulation reform. He also spoke about the progress made by the Committee and outlined the aspects the Committee is to consider in the near future.

Deputy Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Sergey Puzyrevsky thanked the business community for the chance of a constructive discussion on the draft presidential executive order On the Guidelines of State Policy on the Development of Competition; he talked about the current competition situation in the commodity markets and the FAS’ position on the extent of government involvement in the economy. Mr. Puzyrevsky also introduced the concept of the new tariff regulation, which will be put up for public consultations in the near future and then considered by the Russian Government.

Deputy Head of the FAS Department for Control over State Procurement Artyom Lobov spoke about the changes in procurement legislation. In particular, he covered the results of the service’s work in this area over the past year, including the work on Federal Law No. 321-FZ of July 3, 2016, excluding federal unitary enterprises from the competence of Law No. 223-FZ, but putting them in the competence of Law No. 44-FZ. The committee members also learned about the current FAS Russia plans in procurement, including further discussion of Law No. 223-FZ. The Committee’s position on the application of procurement legislation was outlined by Deputy Chair of the RSPP Competition Development Committee Tatyana Kamenskaya.

The presentations of the FAS representatives were followed by regular discussion, where the Committee members spoke about the most pressing issues in their companies’ operation that have to do with tariff regulation and procurement.

In conclusion, the participants outlined further plans and priorities of the Committee for 2017 in all areas that were discussed at the meeting.


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