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VEGAS LEX at 7th Northern Dimension Forum in St. Petersburg

On April 7, 2016, St. Petersburg hosted the 7th Northern Dimension Forum devoted to the Arctic as a field of cooperative development, new challenges and opportunities.

Head of Energy practice Evgeniy Rodin spoke at the energy session on Onsite power generation vs centralized generation: economics and risks. He explained to the participants how onsite power generation benefits companies and gave a comparative analysis of onsite vs centralized power supply (clearly not in favor of the latter). He described a recent case where an industrial company introduced onsite power generation, presented a map of obligations of market actors (generation and grid companies), talked about the power supply guarantees by generating and grid companies and retail generation requirements.

Manager of Life sciences projects Maria Borzova spoke at the roundtable on Import substitution in the Russian pharmaceutical and medical industry: new opportunities of success story. She spoke about the key trends in legally documented “odd man out” arrangement in public procurement of essential drugs as well as certain types of medical devices.

The event was attended by representatives of European and Russian ministries and departments, of domestic and foreign businesses, and civil society.


*The Seventh Northern Dimension Forum in St. Petersburg was organized by the Northern Dimension Business Council and the Association of European Businesses. Its goal is to develop interaction between the government, business and civil society in the Northern Dimension member countries. The forum included roundtables on power generation and energy saving; the environment and nature conservation; professional education; transport and logistic; medicine and pharmaceuticals; and creative industries.

For more information on the firm’s services to the energy sector, please go here.

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s services for the pharmaceutical industry, please click here.

Photo provided by AEB





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