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VEGAS LEX announces completion of its project for Sberbank subsidiary - Delovaya Sreda

In September 2014, the Delovaya Sreda* (Business Environment) company selected VEGAS LEX to provide consultancy for its unique project, the Delovaya Sreda web portal. The purpose is to help those wishing to start a business find an effective and interesting way to grow by connecting them with legal, accounting and other services; the project is designed for those who seek profit-making cooperation with trusted partners, who want to share experience with others and learn from them.**

According to Delovaya Sreda General Director Mikhail Fedorenko, the project provides an infrastructure for creating services, products and solutions for micro and small businesses; educates new business leaders about starting their business and developing it effectively; and helps new entrepreneurs at the start, from company registration to complex IT solutions.***

In the course of the project VEGAS LEX lawyers evaluated the legal risks and restrictions on the Delovaya Sreda activities. They drafted contractual documents covering the relationship between Delovaya Sreda and its counterparts in the regions, developed the procedure for selecting contractors, and provided assistance in doing so and formalizing the relationships with them. Also, the working group for the project drew up a report on the Delovaya Sreda procurement procedure’s compliance with Russian laws and procurement regulations and a list of steps the procedure involves.

The working group included expert from several practice areas including the Technology and Investment group, the Commercial group and the Corporate practice, led by Managing partner Alexander Sitnikov and Head of Technology and Investment group Alexandra Vasyukhnova.


* Wholly-owned subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia, established in 2012.

** The key components of the Delovaya Sreda portal: a convenient interface for using Sberbank banking services, a shop of cloud applications and business operation and development services, a B2B trading platform, a distance learning school, an interactive online magazine, and a business network. http://main.dasreda.ru/#

*** Source: Interview for the Business of Russia magazine.

For more information on the VEGAS LEX Technology and Investment Group’s projects in the Intellectual Property and TMT sphere, click here.

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