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VEGAS LEX – legal partner of ARMY 2016 international military technical forum

This year VEGAS LEX will act as a legal partner of the ARMY 2016 international military technical forum* organized by the Russian Ministry of Defenсe **. The event will run from September 6-11 at the Russian Armed Forces’ Patriot Park in Kubinka***. The forum participants will consider current issues in the development of new technologies and promising areas of development of the military technical idustries. The event will be attended by representatives of scientific institutions and defenсe sector enterprises, as well as consumers of military-purpose and dual-use products and services from Russia and other countries****.

7 September 2016 VEGAS LEX will lead a roundtable discussion on Private Investment and PPP in the Defenсe Industry: Participants, Mechanisms and Prospects as part of the forum. The participants will discuss ways and prospects of attracting private investments to the country’s defenсe sector; the use of public-private partnerships (PPP) and lifecycle contracts in the defenсe industry; and the possibility of applying special investment contracts and concession agreements in the defence industry. They will also look at some cases and examine the success stories of “PPP flagships” in the defence sector.

The purpose of the roundtable is to draft several models of attracting investment to the defence industry; to tell the participants about ways to replicate positive experience from related industries; and to work out a common stance on removing administrative barriers that hamper investment in the defence industry.

Representatives of the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Military-Industrial Commission under the Russian Government, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, and leading manufacturing companies in the defence industry, and experts have been invited to attend the roundtable.


* The main purpose of the forum is to create conditions for an effective scouting for innovative research projects, developments and technologies that can be useful for national defence and security for their subsequent use in promising models of weapons and military equipment; to promote improved operation, development, training and employment of the armed forces, the Ministry of Defence’s subordinate institutions and enterprises; to meet their demand for material resources, general purpose products and services. http://www.icecompany.org/rusarmyexpo.

** The Russian Ministry of Defence has set up an organizing committee for the preparation of the forum led by the Defence Minister, General of the Army Sergey Shoigu. Deputy Defence Ministers, Commanders-in-Chief of the Armed Services, commanders of service branches and military districts are also involved in the preparations. The committee includes heads of federal executive authorities of the Russian regions, state-owned corporations, leading defence companies and official delegations of foreign countries. http://ria.ru/defense_safety/20151129/1331545288.html#ixzz4fvrut7it.

*** The biggest Russian marketplace to display modern weaponry, military and special equipment. http://park-patriot.ru.

*** Source:  http://www.rusarmyexpo.com/

For more information on VEGAS LEX’s public-private partnership projects in defence Industry, please go here.

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