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VEGAS LEX shares experience with leading Russian universities

On February 28, the VEGAS LEX law firm took part in the annual Student Career Forum of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Motivation, Personality, Career. VEGAS LEX experts joined other employers and RANEPA staff in developing a series of exciting workshops. Their project won the competition, and representatives of other companies proposed trying out VEGAS LEX workshops this year.

On March 7, VEGAS LEX HR specialists delivered a lecture to students of the Higher School of Economics on Preparation for job interviews: questions and answers. They spoke about the criteria for choosing a company you want to work with, gave some tips about writing a successful CV and advice where to place it; they explained how to prepare for an interview and how to behave at a meeting with a potential employer.

On March 9, Head of Litigation group Victor Petrov gave a lecture at the Business Club of the Moscow State Law Academy, Recovery of Damages and Providing Evidence. The expert and his audience analyzed the provisions of Article 15 of the Russian Civil Code and aspects of its application in various legal relations using specific cases as examples. The students were asked to resolve a case as their homework. Those who submit the most correct and complete solutions will have an opportunity to do internship at VEGAS LEX.



VEGAS LEX applies its broad expertise and experience in its cooperation projects with educational institutions, contributing to professional development of gifted lawyers and thereby increasing the level of legal culture in Russia. http://www.vegaslex.ru/en/about/cooperation/

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